
When You Decide To Pull Out Your Loose Tooth Using A Crossbow

When you’re a little kid, having a loose tooth can be the most exciting and simultaneously terrifying occurrence of your tiny existence. One the one hand, the prospect of getting money from the Tooth Fairy is definitely pretty enticing — on the other hand, getting that sweet cash requires actually pulling a tooth from your tender lil’ gums. And that’s a pretty daunting prospect.

Well, it’s a pretty daunting prospect for anyone who isn’t this brave little kid, anyway.

A little boy in Lao Cai, Vietnam apparently decided that the best (and most badass) way to pull out his loose tooth was to tie it to a crossbow. (With the help of his dad, of course.)

This kid was so bold, he actually agreed to have TWO teeth pulled out — and he actually seems utterly delighted by the whole experience.

While I definitely appreciate this new, unorthodox method for pulling teeth, I’m sure most kids would still prefer to lose their teeth the old-fashioned way — you know, by wiggling it incessantly for weeks until it accidentally comes out in your food.