Having a period every month just because you didn’t get pregnant is the epitome of “meetings that could have been emails”
— darth minnie (@xoMinnieJo) May 19, 2018
You ever send ya man a funny meme & he say he already saw it..like wow u laughed at it & didnt think that maybe I wanted to laugh too wow ok pic.twitter.com/DoynOXdtGJ
— la loba (@vickto_willy) July 30, 2017
Really happy they labelled which toothbrush covers are for men so I don't accidentally kill my husband, who is allergic to colours. pic.twitter.com/cTjFFkuBC3
— elf ???? (@veneficaultrix) November 13, 2017
[me as a DJ]
Where my single ladies at?
*drunk responses*
This one's for you
*turns off music, serious tone*
This is a bad place to meet men— Jebby (@Jennuflect) September 18, 2015