
British Politician Swears After Knocking Over Glass Of Water—And It’s Quite Adorable, Really

While British people may have developed a reputation for always being well-spoken and polite, make no mistake: they can sound off expletives with the best of them.

On Wednesday, UK government spokesman Lord Keen knocked over a glass of water during his address to the House of Lords — and his reaction was so priceless that it gave Twitter cause to sit up and take notice.

(This is a pretty accurate illustration of how I feel when going into work on Monday, for what it’s worth. )

Yes, that is recorded footage of a politician grumbling “Arse!” in the House of Lords.

British Twitter was utterly delighted by the unexpected little nugget of brilliance.

Many pondered whether or not the excerpt would be included in the Hansard transcript, otherwise known as a “verbatim report of proceedings of both the House of Commons and the House of Lords.”

Sadly, it seems like the inclusion of “arse” in the official transcript of the meeting is unlikely — but, we can all hope.

Admittedly, this isn’t quite as magnificent as the BBC footage of Professor Robert Kelly being interrupted during an interview by his band of merry children — but, it’s still a nice reminder that even the best among us have to let the expletives fly now and again.

Although how the Brits still manage to sound so dainty while cussing, I’ll never know.