
20+ People Share The Super Weird Things They Do When No One’s Looking

21. Jabronima:

After I shower I scrape off excess water with my hands so my towel doesn’t get as wet and dries quicker.

22. inimitableballerina:

Karate chop my toilet paper off of the roll.

It brings joy to the corporate grind.

23. gcjeter2:

I quietly meow to myself when I think of embarrassing moments I have been in

24. ewiik:

I collect my fallen pubes whenever I spot them on the floor, and glue them onto my sister’s barbie

25. Pegasusorhuman:

I not only sing to my dogs, but I do so in an array of different voices. Sometimes I sound like Elmo, other times I sound like a deranged mouse who was given the gift of voice. Oh, and the songs always fit whatever we might be doing at the time. They seem to like it, but then again it’s not like they can tell me to shut up.

26. IS00:

I put frosted flakes in the microwave to get them soggy and warm, they legit taste better to me that way.

27. il_fenixio:

vacuum my head after a haircut