
16 Uber Drivers Share The Most Absurdly Inappropriate Things Their Passengers Have Ever Done

4. This person learned the hard way that you should always take it slow over the speed bumps:

My friend told me about a couple who got into his car. They were slightly drunk talking nonsense to each other so he didn’t pay much attention, just kept driving and occasionally checking on them through the rearview mirror. Eventually, the girl got quiet so he checked in the mirror and didn’t see her, and my innocent friend thought she was asleep and even laughed about it with the guy. Well, not long after that he passed a speed bump and heard the guy saying “oh shit!” at the same time a gurgling sound was heard and a smell of booze+sour filled up the whole car.

So yeah, the girl was sucking off her boyfriend/whatever, the speed bump caused her to deep throat and vomit all over the backseat and my poor friend still had to drive around with a vomit smelling car. At least they rated him 5 stars.

5. One driver literally had to deal with a shitty situation:

Not me but a friend who also drives in my city picked up this drunk girl on her bachelorette at 8 pm on a Saturday night. She was going like four blocks but was so drunk she passed out the second she sat down.

He pulls off and about 30 seconds later she shits in her sleep. She’s wearing very short shorts so it just falls out both sides.

Being that she’s passed the fuck out, he drives her to her hotel anyway (with the windows down trying not to vomit).

When he gets there, she kinda wakes up, and in the process of getting out manages to smear shit on his back seat, on the back of the front seat, on the inside roof, on the outside roof, and on the door.

She says sorry, throws him $20, and disappears.

Uber gives him $250 to clean his car, charged to the shitter. They next day he gets an email from Uber saying she called them all pissed off because why did she have to pay a soilage charge when she already gave him $20 to get the car cleaned?

6. One poor soul had the misfortune of dealing with multiple NSFW passengers:

Same friend, 3 occasions over a year.

  • Guy was drunk and pulled his pants off and started playing with himself.
  • Girl decided she was happy and pulled her top off for her other friend that wasn’t so drunk to feel her up, friend apparently flipped out.
  • Guy passed out drunk so he checked and his pulse was low, took him to the hospital, turned out the guy was overdosing on Xanax and alcohol, and he saved his life.