
The Internet Is Ripping Ivanka Trump Apart After Sharing This ‘Tone Deaf’ Picture On Twitter

When you’re a parent, it’s pretty normal that you post photos with your children online to show the world “how much you love your kids.”
But, when you’re the President of the United States’ daughter and about 1,500 children are missing–it may not be the best time to upload “an adorable Sunday morning photo” with your son. Someone should tell that to Ivanka Trump.

On Sunday, the daughter of the POTUS shared a photo on Twitter with her son saying:

My heart! #SundayMornings

While it would be fine any other day to share a precious moment like this with your child, it’s probably not the greatest idea to do so after reports broke this week that about 1,500 immigrant children taken away from their parents by ICE have been “lost.” According to several reports, CBP and ICE ripped families apart, placing immigrant children detained at the border in “sponsor homes,” until their asylum cases were handed–but, lost track of nearly 1,500 children. According to officials, they cannot place, nor find, these children–and believe it’s not their legal duty to do so.

The Internet has been outraged at the lack of care, motivation, or humanity of the U.S. Government to even try and locate the missing children. Many have begun circling petitions to try and have the government attempt to locate the children–some of which they believe have been taken by human traffickers.

Since Ivanka Trump is supposed to be an advocate for “women’s rights” and “families,” many were disgusted to see her posting this kind of photo during a time in which mothers are searching endlessly for their children who were taken from them by the government.