
12 Dudes Reveal What Makes A Woman “Wife Material”

Eventually, a heterosexual man or homosexual woman will decide that it’s time to stop playing the field, and to calm down, get married, and plunge headfirst into a lifetime of monogamous bliss. Of course, you’ve got to find the right lady…but how do you if the right lady really is the right lady? Some guys on AskReddit were able to articulate their thoughts about what makes that special someone their special someone.

1. Fight with him, but don’t get in a fight with him, if that makes sense.

I want someone that I can argue with (and who will argue with me), without it turning into a fight. Someone that can call me on my BS when it matters, who isn’t going to flip out if I call her on hers. I’d much rather be with someone who will challenge me and make me rethink things than someone who is trying too hard to be nice and sweet all the time. (Then again, I may just have a thing for hot tempered girls.)

2. Because if she doesn’t love Sublime, she doesn’t love you, man.

She loves what she does, she cares about herself as much as she cares about me and she smiles a lot 🙂 Bonus: she likes the same music as me.

3. But seriously…don’t be so serious.

The biggest thing that set my wife apart from every other girl I dated was just our ability to not take things so seriously.

I don’t mean not taking our relationship seriously. Of course, we’re committed to each other and our relationship, however we really don’t get overly serious about our day to day interactions.

4. Just kidding around.

And a sense of humor doesn’t mean she laughs at funny things. It means she says funny things or does funny things. It means she makes YOU laugh. And that she does it regularly. If you have to think “when was the last time she made me laugh…a few weeks ago?” then she doesn’t have a sense of humor.

5. Do your thing. Go on now.

She’s got to be attractive to me, otherwise I don’t think I’d be interested in getting to know her to begin with. But “being attractive” isn’t just about looks. Unfortunately, I can’t get around “good first impressions.”

That being said, she’d need to have some sort of hobbies and interests. Literally anything that isn’t “watching TV.” I don’t care if she drags me to a freakin’ museum with weird crap, as long as she’s into something.

6. And it sounds like he’s going to take you somewhere tropical for the honeymoon.

Wife material is easy to recognize; just ask yourself if you’d want that girl back to back with you to fight off sharks.