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People Share Their Creepiest and Most Unexplainable Paranormal Experiences

Goodbye Grandma

I was 23 at the time, living about 7-8 hours away from my family while doing university. One night I abruptly woke up in the middle of the night from a force physically moving me off my bed, towards the foot of the bed. What was even more weird, I was already covered in sweat and felt like I was mid-anxiety attack. Needless to say I was extremely disturbed and had trouble sleeping the remainder of the night.
Fast forward to the morning, I finally dozed off, but get woken up to my phone ringing. On the other side is my Dad telling me that my Grandmother passed away last night.
After hearing that it is not something that scares me, in fact I find it rather soothing that possibly she was just coming to say goodbye and as a new spirit was unaware of how she could still affect me in the physical plane.


Not Safe Here

I was home last year during a break from university with a friend and we decided to go see a friend in a different city in his university. It was a small city with rivers, hills and forests.
At night we decided to go in a nearby forest to smoke and drink by a river, but still being on main road. So, we were standing with our car parked and i was drinking and both of them were smoking. It was about 11 at night and dead dark with no lights or people for several kilometers. We had been standing there for about an hour when a 25-26 year old guy came out of tree line and came to me, talks to me and says this place is not safe at night. You guys should go from here. My friend who used to study there heard me talking to someone and started walking towards me but stopped right there, his face went white and told me to get in car and that we are going. I told the guy thanks and goodbye and turned the car around. For 10 mins my friend didn’t talk and when we were out of the forest, he finally broke his silence and told me that this guy who was talking to me was a boy from his university who died on the same road 2 years back in an accident.



I was standing in my parents room, talking to my very sick dad at the time (stage 4 esophageal cancer) and for some reason I get the feeling something is behind me. I look into the doorway to the living room and something about 4’6 and fully black (it was nighttime) is peeking around the corner, with their hands on the door frame. I run towards it and it pops back around the door. Nothing. My dad is completely confused when I step back inside the room when I tell him. People who stayed at my house have claimed to see it. My mom saw the figure on multiple occasions in multiple places until he passed away. We haven’t seen it since.