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People Share Stories Of The Worst Case Of “Spoiled Rotten” They’ve Ever Seen

Congrats to mom for going back to college.

My boyfriend’s sister has skirted the line of “spoiled rotten”, but for now, she’s just “spoiled”. She throws fits the moment school and work get a little too challenging for her (like full-on, screaming temper tantrums). Whenever she feels overwhelmed, her mom will spend hours doing her research homework and writing her papers for her. (I would actually report this to the school if it wouldn’t be blatantly obvious who did it. Her mom is an educator and should know better.)
She once had her boyfriend drive four hours out (and another four back) to come pick her up during a family trip because she didn’t have a space private enough to focus on her school work, even though we were all sharing rooms and dealing with the lack of space equally (her mom ended up doing that school work for her). Her parents even offered to give her the master bedroom to herself, which would’ve had two of us sleeping on the floor.
I should mention, this girl is 22 and in college.
She does have a sales job, which she’s surprisingly really good at, which is why I think she still has hope of being a productive adult.


Oh, iDon’t think so.

A friend I went to High school with got a slightly smaller iPadPro for his birthday, he really wanted the bigger one with more memory. He proceeds to put it on record and throw it off a roof in retaliation. His parents then buy him another iPadPro (‘the correct one’ as he put it). I don’t talk to him anymore because he was a condescending ass.


Cereal is tearing this family apart!

Apparently it’s me. According to my older brother and sister, I’m spoiled rotten because Mom bought me Cap’n Crunch after my brother and sister left the house when they went off to college.
This happened when I was ~15 and 30 friggin years later it’s brought up at every family gathering of how spoiled I was because I got Cap’n Crunch instead of Frosted Flakes.
Oh the shame I’ve lived with.
