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People Share Stories Of The Worst Case Of “Spoiled Rotten” They’ve Ever Seen

Well, they already bought it so…

Was at the Ford dealership getting my oil changed and killing time by walking through the big showroom. There is a Mustang GT350 sitting in the middle with a huge bow on it and folks gathered around waiting for someone. Minutes later the family comes in with their son who immediately yells about wanting it in blue instead of black and denting the passenger door with a swift kick.


Chances are high you’ve met a spoiled brat or two in your life.

But just how “spoiled” were they? One Reddit user posed the question and got some rage-inducing and “impressive” answers. Are you ready to come face-to-face with these brats?
What’s the worst case of “spoiled rotten” that you’ve seen?


Illegal activities get you … chores?

Okay I’ve got one. My boyfriend’s little half sister. So her parents are real hippies, live at least 40 minutes from the nearest town which doesn’t have much anyway, they live on an Eco friendly farmlet which her parents built from scratch. Since the age of say 10? She’s now 16, my boyfriends sister has been a stealer of money. Started off by taking coins when she was babysitting for neighbours eventually finding out where stashes of cash were kept and then the neighbours found out and told her parents. They were mortified but didn’t do much apart from tell her off and make her promise she wouldn’t do it again. Little things like that happened and same outcome. Then her grandad passed away who left a share of $1mil to her mother which was used to upgrade the farm buy more land etc. she stole money from her dead granddads wallet in his fucking pocket when he was lying in the house dead when no one was looking. All she got was a bit of a tell off. She never has to give the money back because she spends it first. Her parents just say ‘work it off’ by doing chores.
Now she’s 16 and her latest crimes have been stealing her mums card to buy $800USD of makeup online. Her parents took the make up from her hoping to return it but not before she replaced the make up in the boxes with old bottles. They let her keep the make up still let her do all her school camps, parties etc. the last I heard, her parents started a BnB, made a couple of grand only to have it disappear because she found out their internet banking passwords transferred it to herself, then spent it on food, friends, make up all in a weekend before they could find out.
Her punishment? Working it off by doing chores.
It makes me sick. I had to do chores for free! I’m still doing chores for free in my own house. F*cking hell
