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People Share Stories Of The Worst Case Of “Spoiled Rotten” They’ve Ever Seen

What a charming bunch.

I definitely don’t come from money, but I grew up absolutely comfortable and content. The heat wasn’t always on but we always had food and that’s all I could ever ask for. I kinda had a thing with this guy who I knew came from money and one weekend he introduced me to all his friends.
It… it was honestly hard to watch. This group of people were renting out an AirBnB which they just TRASHED and no one cleaned or even blinked an eye. It was the most rampant abuse of drugs an alcohol I’ve ever witnessed. They laughed when I talked about playing basketball in the street (I guess it’s funny because I didn’t have my own court?) I’d told my guy that I grew up across the street from a meth lab and he threw it out to the group as sort of a “fun fact” I guess– hilarious. I saw one guy shut down another’s opinion by saying, “I’m sorry, can you fly to Hawaii right now? Can you have a helicopter land right outside this f_cking house and take you to Hawaii right now? No you can’t, so shut the f_ck up.”
And I overheard one of my guy’s friends say “dude is she loaded?” And he goes “no she’s poor as f_ck” and the friend said “whoa… that’s f_cking sick.” He even told me later “Well this is just really different for us because I’ve only ever hooked up with heiresses.”


It’s nice when things work themselves out.

Went to high school with a guy who got a Porsche 911 for his 16th birthday, we also went to college together, for his 21st birthday got a Maserati. Ran into him again when we’re both around 26, he was driving an Audi R8. Condescendingly told me I could get a car like that also if I worked hard.
Well his working hard was for his dads company, in which he basically was the office manager, never finished college never worked a day in his life. Dad has a huge construction company and this guy couldn’t even tell you what a 2×4 was. No siblings so this company will be his one day and I’m sure he will run it into the ground. (This was my thinking 10 years ago)
We are both 36 now, well pops gave the company to his son 4 years ago. Found out 3 months ago the company went bankrupt. This tool lost multiple contracts due to his arrogance, spent company money on personal necessities, was audited by the IRS owed more than 8M in back taxes. He’s going to jail! So yeah. F*ck him.


We hate math, but not this much.

I was tutoring a 7th grader. I asked him to do the first half of his homework without his calculator. This wasn’t calculus. I was asking him to do basic multiplication. 7×5 4×8 nothing crazy… He threw a tantrum, and I stuck to my guns. His mom came in and asked what was wrong. She asked him to do just 2 problems without the calculator, but he continued to throw a fit. So she went down to one problem. He throws himself on the floor, rolls around, grabs things and throws them, all while screaming that we’re ruining his life and just want to see him fail. At this point I’m just sitting back appreciating my parents, appreciating the fact that i don’t have children… she tries to calm him down, and eventually she tells me its ok to let him use the calculator. He got a Wii U the next day.
