
People Are Outraged After Betsy DeVos Claims Schools Can Violate The Constitution And Call ICE On Undocumented Students

If you’re a teacher, or someone in this country that values the American education system, chances are you absolute hate, Betsy DeVos.
Besides the fact that this woman has no idea how public schools operate or work, she also wants to cut federal funding to public schools–and, push more “charter schools,” as the norm across the country. Hard pass. Now, DeVos has once again caused an uproar after she claimed on Tuesday that schools can, and should feel comfortable, calling Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers on “students that may be undocumented.”


When appearing in front of the House Education and Workforce Committee, DeVos said:

“I think that’s a school decision, it’s a local community decision. I refer to the fact that we have laws and we also are compassionate. I urge this body to do its job and address and clarify where there is confusion around this.”

Many people at the forum and throughout the country protested, reminding DeVos of the Supreme Court case Plyler v. Doe which states that all children (undocumented and citizens) are entitled to a free public education. In response, DeVos agreed that this Supreme Court case does state all students are indeed entitled to a free public education–however, believes still that it was the “school’s decision” to call ICE if they so feel like it.

Many people have spoken out against DeVos’ statement and said that her decision is unconstitutional.

Lorella Praeli, director of immigration policy and campaigns for the American Civil Liberties Union said in a statement:

Let’s be clear: Any school that reports a child to ICE would violate the Constitution. The Supreme Court has made clear that every child in America has a right to a basic education, regardless of immigration status. Secretary DeVos is once again wrong.

As well, the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund issued a powerful statement saying that DeVos should resign due to her incompetence and statements against the Supreme Court case.

Many have also taken to Twitter to express their outrage after the hearing.

In all honesty, DeVos should be focused on how to make public schools and all schools across America a safer place for students to obtain an education–like, for example, find solutions to the rise in mass school shootings–which have occurred once a week since the start of 2018. Just saying.