
Disturbing Sexual Harassment Allegations Surface Against Shaun White

The final insult came when the band finished touring in 2014, and Zawaideh went home, under the impression that she was still part of the group. After a period of radio silence, Zawaideh was informed by another bandmate that White had decided to “part ways” with her, and that the band had been rehearsing and performing in her absence.

Zawaideh claimed that she never received her contractual payments as a band member for 2014. The lawsuit was settled in 2017, but White’s lawyers said that he vehemently denied all of the charges (with the exceptions of the texts).

When White won his third Olympic gold medal at the Pyeongchang Games on Tuesday, it didn’t take long for the allegations to resurface in the midst of White’s victory lap.

(However, judging from NBC’s sterilized coverage alone, you would never know that White was embroiled in a scandal.)

Reporters asked White if the sexual harassment case would “tarnish” his reputation.