
Aziz Ansari Sex Story Author Goes Viral For Her Explosive Email To Cable News Host

Quite a few felt that the situation was ripe for parody.

However, there were also many who sympathized with Way and felt that her response to all of the negative media coverage was not only understandable, but justified.

For the record, Banfield did respond to Way’s email on the air, informing the young reporter that “if you truly believe in the #MeToo movement, if you truly believe in women’s rights, if you truly believe in feminism, the last thing you should do is attack someone in an ad hominem way for her age — I’m 50 — and for my highlights.”

“I was brown-haired for a while when I was a war correspondent, interviewing Yasser Arafat, and in Afghanistan and Iraq, Gaza and the West Bank. Google those places,” Banfield added.

While it’s unclear what the professional outcome of this debacle will be, it’s pretty evident that Way is at least willing to go to bat for her sources. Unfortunately, all of this bat-swinging may very well be distracting everyone from the actual issues at hand.