
Donald Trump Caught Awkwardly Kissing Hope Hicks Goodbye, And Now It’s A Meme

Hope Hicks, the fourth White House communications director in 14 months, has officially left the building — but not before enduring a creepy and staged goodbye from her boss.

Hicks announced last month that she would be resigning (amid ex-boyfriend and fellow Trump aide Rob Porter’s domestic abuse scandal), and Wednesday was officially her last day. President Trump bid his former aide goodbye on Thursday in a stilted photo op that seemed all-too-eager to assure the public that “Everything is fine!!!”

Trump’s goodbye was so awkward that it’s difficult to pinpoint the most bizarre facet of the interaction, but it’s definitely a tie between his inexplicable and repeated pointing at Hicks, and his thwarted attempt to give her a second kiss on the cheek.

(You can see Trump briefly lean back in for a kiss as Hope turns to leave. Trump played off the entire thing by immediately pivoting around and nearly walking into a column.)

Obviously, the farewell was so completely wooden and uncomfortable that the internet had no choice but to mock it mercilessly.

While Hope Hicks has left the White House in an official capacity, it is unlikely that she will remain completely separate from the goings-on there, and she is expected to return to the White House next month to “tie up loose ends.”

Well … congratulations, Hope. You will most likely still be the recipient of a barrage of inappropriate drunk Trump texts, but at least you won’t have to touch him on a semi-regular basis.