
‘Arrested Development’ Star Alia Shawkat Shows Off Her Drawings Of Trump, And We’re Impressed

Some celebrities are so talented that they do more than just acting in TV shows and movies – go figure. While it’s true that acting is a talent that has to be worked on and perfected, some celebrities who act as a profession have other talents they just excel at – like, drawing. Actress Alia Shawkat of “Arrested Development” proved that not only is she a killer actress, but she can also draw. During an appearance on “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert,” Shawkat shared some old drawings she did of President Donald Trump. Fun fact – she didn’t create these bad boys to coincide with his presidential nomination and win. Instead, Shawkat admitted that about six years ago, she decided to draw Trump over and over again, claiming she was “obsessed with his face.”

“I was obsessed with him and just kept drawing his face. I was just kind of obsessed with like the nature of his skin, and like how everything seemed to be like a balloon shooting out of it.”

I mean – she has a pretty good point. And, the drawings are hilariously good – something I’d want to see in MoMA.

Shawkat also admitted that the latest season of Arrested Development has finished shooting and fans are actually ridiculously excited for it to drop. Let’s face it – the original that was aired on network TV was a bit better, but who doesn’t love our favorite awkward, law-breaking and dysfunctional family? Plus, I live for the Gob Bluth chicken dance and if it’s not in season five, I’ll raise hell. Either way, fans are hyped.

You can watch the full interview right over here: