
Sasha Obama Just Chilling With Cardi B And Offset At A Music Festival Is #Goals

One of the numerous disappointing aspects of the current Trump administration is that we just really don’t see enough of the Obamas anymore. Sometimes I’ll find myself wondering: “What’s Barry doing? Are Sunny and Bo okay??” While they certainly deserve their reprieve from the public eye, we can’t help but miss them a little bit.

Fortunately, some of the Obamas are still managing to stay in the public eye.

Sasha, the youngest Obama, was recently photographed at Washington’s Broccoli City Festival (lol) with rappers Cardi B and Offset. The rappers, who are engaged, were headlining the festival.

(Incidentally, the festival was expectant mother Cardi B’s last performance before she’s due to give birth.)

While it’s unclear why these three were hanging out (aside from the fact that they’re all living pretty incredible lives), the moment made for a pretty iconic photo op.

Obviously, Twitter loved the collision of these two worlds.

We are officially not worthy of Sasha Obama’s coolness.

Look, I’ve said it once, and I’ll say it again: GIVE ?? US ?? MORE ?? OBAMA?? NEWS.

Honestly, with the way things are going, this is one of the few bright spots we have on the news cycle’s bleak horizon.