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Photographer Photoshops Himself Into Celebrity Pictures And They Look Disturbingly Real

A photograph used to be a truthful, honest piece of evidence that a moment in time truly happened. But since the invention of digital manipulation software, particularly Photoshop, we can no longer quite trust that what we’re seeing is real. Images can be tweaked any which way, and Photoshop makes pretty much any image an artist can imagine become real. That is, if they know how to use the software correctly.

Indonesian photographer Syahril Ramadhan is definitely somebody who knows how to use the tools of the trade. Owner and operator of  SR Design Art, his Instagram page features him hanging out with international celebrities and on movie sets. None of it is real, however: Ramadhan is an absolute master of Photoshop. He merely uses the program to astonishingly insert himself into publicity shots and famous photos without a trace. Here are just a few examples of his amazing (and often very funny) work.

See more at SR Design Art.


