
Kim Kardashian To Meet With Donald Trump And Jared Kushner To Discuss ‘Prison Reform’

Kim Kardashian may not be the first person you think of when it comes to political reform, but the reality TV star is set to take a trip to Washington D.C. and meet with the President this week.

Those who follow Kim Kardashian know that besides being a reality TV star and mother of three, she is very outspoken on political matters of injustice and reform–including the story of Alice Marie Johnson, who was sentenced to life in prison without parole for a first-time drug offense.

Kardashian has offered her attorney, free of charge, to Johnson to dispute the sentence and find a way to get the 62-year-old out after serving over 21 years in prison. Reports indicate that Kardashian and Kushner, Ivanka Trump’s husband, have been in talks for months over prison reform and arranging the meeting with Donald Trump. According to Vanity Fair, Kushner’s father–Charles–spend years behind bars after being charged with tax evasion, illegal campaign contributions, and witness tampering, making prison reform extremely personal to him. He has previously pushed a bill through Congress that aims to prepare inmates to re-enter society by providing them with job-training and rehabilitation programs.

Kardashian claims that the meeting, predominately, is to have President Donald Trump pardon Johnson, saying:

Just like everybody else, we can make choices in our lives that we’re not proud of and that we don’t think through all the way.

Kardashian had originally found Johnson’s story on Twitter and reached out to Ivanka Trump–who in turn, connected her to Kushner, who was already working on prison reform strategies and bills. And, while many see Kardashian as just another social media starlet, she plans to bring no publicists, no cameras, and no family members along for this trip. Instead, she is traveling with just her attorney in hopes to bring forth a change in the system.

However, many on Twitter are finding this move to be extremely “ridiculous” and “unbelievable”–angry that Trump would even waste his time taking a meeting with Kardashian.

h/t Vanity Fair.