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58 Things You Definitely Didn’t Know About The ‘Star Wars’ Movies

21. Return of the Jedi was first titled Revenge of the Jedi, and trailers and posters were produced with that name intact.

22. Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan was initially titled Revenge of Khan, but producers changed it to avoid confusion with Jedi.

23. The bounty hunting droid IG-88 was built with old Star Wars props. His head is a drink dispenser from the Cantina.

24. Three aliens on Jabba’s barge in Return of the Jedi are named Klaatu, Barada, and Nikto. That’s a reference to the classic sci-fi film The Day the Earth Stood Still.

25. Return of the Jedi was produced under the top secret code named of Blue Harvest, supposedly a horror film promising “horror beyond imagination.”

26. When several sandstorms delayed on-location shooting of Jedi, the crew considered actually making Blue Harvest.

27. “Blue Harvest” references the 1929 novel Red Harvest, an inspiration for the movie Yojimbo…which inspired Lucas to make Star Wars.

28. An early draft of Return of the Jedi had Obi-Wan Kenobi and Yoda leaving the Force and returning to their physical bodies to help Luke take down Darth Vader.

29. For security reasons, Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace was shipped to theaters under the title The Doll House.

30. All the clone troopers in the Star Wars prequels were created with CGI.