After 2017 being such a dumpster fire, it’s safe to say we need some good news and good fortune to go into the new year. Moving past the sexual harassment, the monkey who we call our President, and the many L’s we took this year, it’s time to look at the good in people. Thanks to the Internet, we can find some of the purest moments around and it’ll always restore our faith in the world.
1. This guy who just wanted to be a good sport.

2. “Bart’s back with another Christmas sweater from Grandma that he can “grow into.”

3. “I’ve never seen my autistic sister light up this way before. She finally connected with someone, and his name is Fuzzy.”

4. “He begged us to get married, now he is in love with our daughter, born today…On Christmas!”

5. “In 1995, my granny gave me a stuffed cat. When she passed, we found out she kept an identical cat. The years of love certainly left their mark.”