It’s hard to understand why people abandon their beloved pets, but unfortunately, it’s all all-too-frequent reality.
A 13-year-old dachshund mix was recently abandoned in Fayetteville, Georgia, accompanied by a heartbreaking, handwritten note from her owner.
The senior pup, named Reese, was apparently unceremoniously deposited on a stranger’s property, with a note from her owner explaining that she could no longer care for the dog. The woman who found Reese couldn’t keep her, and posted to a private Facebook group in the hopes that someone else would be able to adopt the abandoned dog.

The woman also posted a photo of the hand-written note which was left behind by the owner.
“I hope whoever gets this [will] please take care of my dog,” the note reads. “I love her so much, but I don’t have time for her … I wish I didn’t have to do this, but I have four kids and no time for her.”
In the comments, someone tagged the Royal Animal Refuge, a shelter, and local rescue group.
“When we heard about it, obviously we were upset,” shelter director for Royal Animal Refuge, Mariel Weigand, told The Dodo. “But at the same time, we thought, ‘Maybe they just didn’t know what to do or who to turn to.’”
Fortunately, one of the group’s longtime foster carers, Robyn Klein, stepped up to take care of Reese until the RAR could find her a permanent home. However, as soon as Robyn’s mother Suzy Reeves laid eyes on Reese, it was pretty much love at first sight.
(And who could blame her?? Just look how cute this little pupper is with her toy!)
Suzy decided to adopt Reese, and the two are apparently hitting it off wonderfully.
“[Klein’s] mom is an older lady … and she just recently lost her baby [dog] a few months ago, so she stepped up to foster,” Weigand explained. “Robyn said her mom is so in love with Reese already.”
Okay, this is so precious I may need a few minutes to cry happy tears.
In summation: Reese and Suzy are too pure for this world, don’t @ me.