If you watch the news these days, the world looks like one big garbage fire, but I’m here to show you photos proving it is not. The world is a very big dumpster and there’s plenty of room for things not to burn or smell like an old sock filled with microwaved fish.
There’s good people doing good things out there, and just because the news doesn’t give it top billing doesn’t mean it’s not there. You just have to know where to look. Lucky for you, you’ve come to the right place.
These photos will refill your humanity tank and power you through to better times. Come here when you need a break, are feeling overwhelmed, or just because your boss took the day off and you don’t feel like working. Everything is going to be alright.
25. This teacher visiting his student with cancer to make sure he still gets his lessons.

24. The proudest grandfather.

23. A developmentally disabled man found out someone’s horse was sick and left this message.

22. This great dad.