
People Are Crying Over This Hilariously Savage ‘Peppa Pig’ Meme

Children shows aren’t known for their savagery — if anything, they tend to perpetually drive home the importance of impeccable manners. However, the delightful British animated series, Peppa Pig, seems to be an exception to the rule and has recently caused Twitter users everywhere to squeal with laughter over its salty hilarity.

One Twitter user recently posted a clip of Peppa ruthlessly hanging up on a friend in a moment of sheer fury — and honestly, I’ve never related more to a cartoon pig.

Like … how is this me every single time I get a call from a number I don’t recognize?

Obviously, I’m not the only one who deeply identified with poor Peppa. Someone implored the good folk of Twitter to meme-ify this iconic expression.

And obviously, Twitter came through with flying colors.

I’m not saying that I’m definitely going to watch a children’s show in my spare time, but … if I had to, I think this strong, female pig would be my first choice.