
7 Things You Know To Be True If You’re Not ‘Model Thin,’ But Not Fat Either

There’s a pretty big gray area when it comes to the female body. While people often describe themselves as “fat” or “skinny,” there’s an entire middle-ground where we’re happy with our bodies, but we also won’t deny a trip to the all-you-can-eat buffet–amiright, ladies? I’m happy in a bikini, but hey, I’ll order a large pepperoni on a Friday night to myself.

There’s a lot of realities we endure when we’re not a size 0, but we’re also not overweight. If you’re one of those girls, you know exactly what I’m saying when I say:

7. You can never order clothing online because every brand fits you differently.

While you always receive emails with promotions and “50% off sitewide,” you can’t really just decide to order from a store you’ve never really shopped at before (or, even if you have, they usually change sizes/materials pretty damn often). But, you do have one store you can always count on to get your size right.

6. If you look through your closet, everything is a different size.

While someone may think you’re skinny because your leggings are small, your big boobies are not fitting into a small t-shirt. There are some smalls, some mediums, hey–even some x-larges in your wardrobe. Every brand fits differently, and you just want to look chic.

5. You have a good side.

Every girl knows what it’s like to have “a good side” when it comes to taking photos. You want to be photographed from the right angle so you don’t look too wide, but also not too thin–healthy, you know? You always take your pictures from the same angle every time, too, so you know your feed looks pretty much the same.

4. Some days you feel gross, some days you feel great.

There are some nights where we eat way too much Chinese takeout and wake up bloated AF, and, we feel awful about ourselves. But, there are those moments when we squat more than usual at the gym and we feel on top of the world. All in all, we have our moments of sheer happiness and our moments of “ugh, I can’t look in the mirror.” But, hey, don’t we all?

3. When you accidentally open the front-camera on your phone…

Everyone looks bad from the wrong angle–especially unexpectedly. When we open our front-camera on our phones and see our double chin we automatically feel horrible about the garlic knots we ate. We poke, pull, pry, and do anything to make it go away.

2. You always wonder how people describe you.

You’re not sure how to entirely describe yourself, so you’re not sure how other people describe you, either. Sometimes you’re skinny, sometimes you’re average, sometimes you’re fat-ish. But, how do other people describe you *cough, guys*….

1. Going to the gym is complicated because you only want to lose a little bit of weight.

When you’re working out at the gym, you don’t want to make other people feel bad or insult them. Most of the time, you’re trying to shed 3-5 pounds and gain some tone–not lose 10-15 pounds. And, you feel even worse when people are like “you don’t need to lose any weight!” even though, you know you do, sort of.