
The Internet Helped This Girl Dump Her Boyfriend After Posting His Body Shaming Texts Online

Body shaming is never okay in any situation. There’s no good reason to make someone feel bad about their body and the way they look–especially if you’re in a relationship with them.

Twitter user Shelby knows how it feels to be body shamed by someone close to you after her boyfriend turned out to be a complete and total jerk. She decided to ask Twitter for some advice after receiving some harsh text messages from him. She makes a statement that she weighs “120 pounds” and has weighed this for five months, including when she met her boyfriend. However, he decided to body shame her for having “a pooch.”


She also shared that she was always thinner when she was younger and had a hard time putting on weight. After doctors couldn’t explain why she couldn’t keep weight on, Shelby admits she’s finally in a place where she feels good about her body–despite what her boyfriend says.

After her tweet went viral online, many Twitter users had some simple advice for Shelby.

After receiving tons of love and advice from complete strangers online (you gotta love Twitter sometimes), Shelby admitted she knew it was time to end things with her boyfriend. She also thanked everyone for their love and positivity.

If any man makes you feel insecure about your body ladies–let that MAN GO.