
The Internet Can’t Be Trusted With Apple’s New Handicap Emojis

Leave it to the Internet to ruin a good thing. Tide Pods, cinnamon, naming Mountain Dew flavors, and now Apple’s proposed new emojis that give representation to those with a disability. It sounds like a great idea that should have happened a while ago, in a perfect world. Yet, we do not live in a perfect world. Instead, we live in the darkest timeline, where no one can be trusted to act the least bit decent.

Take this bonkers Facebook comment that Twitter user @iNabberTV found.

Jesus, Bev.

She’s not the only one who’s straying from God’s light, either.


Before you slowly close your laptop and walk into the woods to live the rest of your days removed from the Internet as a self-exiled hermit, know that a lot of people are excited about these emojis for actual representation in an age where that is increasingly more important.


Not to mention, the service dog emoji is so good. Just look at the lil guy, so proud and doing his job.

Maybe this planet isn’t doomed after all.