
24 Divorced People Share The Exact Moment They Knew It Was Over

9. Tjonke:

When I all of a sudden had Chlamydia even though I KNEW I had been free of all STD:s 3 years previously when I had a full check up. Never had I expected that it wasn’t my promiscuous living in my late teens and early 20s that got me my first ever STD, it was the woman I swore to love and to hold for all my days that gave me this “gift”.

Turns out it wasn’t the guy she was cheating on me with that had Chlamydia, it was the PREVIOUS one she had on me with, about 6 months prior to the new guy.

13 days shy of 11 years. I just made a list of all our belongings and divided it up 50/50 and then left the list on the counter and walked out.

8. marybowman:

When his abuse began affecting the way my son viewed abuse. After my ex punched me in the face, my son said, “well, it’s not like he ever beat the crap out of you.” So done.

7. Blaaamo:

When I found an abortion follow up appointment letter.

We hadn’t had sex in over a year.

6. 1004srs:

On our wedding night, I complemented his performance in bed. He said he performed well that night so I would stop cheating. (strike 1)

Him leaving the hospital when I was in labor with our daughter because I was whiny. It stressed him out. for me to be whiny. (strike 2)

Him disappearing from our hotel room when we were out of town. He didn’t get back until 4 am. (strike 3)

We tried counseling, but he refused to stop drinking. He’d also take over every session to tell me how much of a piece of shit I was and remind me how wonderful he was. The counselor would stop him each time, but really?!?

5. fgator5220:

She flew to Texas to spend spring break with a man she met on World of Warcraft.