
This Dad Spent Hours Applying His Wife’s Eyelash Extensions, And Twitter Thinks It’s Adorable

“True love” looks different for everybody.

For some people (likeAli MacGraw), love means never having to say you’re sorry. For other people, love means never having to say “I want the last breadstick.” Regardless of how you express it, though, the sentiment remains the same.

Recently, Twitter user Analissa Vela revealed how her parents demonstrate their true love, and it had the timeline collectively fangirling. Apparently, Analissa’s mom purchased individual eyelash extensions, and her dad actually sat down for over an hour to individually apply them for her.

“If that ain’t love then idk what is,” Analissa tweeted.

Naturally, people were 100% here for this dedicated display of affection. Some people even shared examples of their own dads selflessly helping with their wives’ beauty routines.