
Comedian’s Dad Gives Him A Masterful Back-Handed Compliment — And Twitter Is LOLing

Parents are supposed to love and support you in your career endeavors — but that doesn’t mean they aren’t allowed to give you a bit of sh*t every now and then.

British comedian James Acaster recently shared with Twitter that his standup miniseries, Repertoire, is now available for streaming on Netflix.

English comedian and TV personality Richard Osman heartily endorsed the miniseries on Twitter, encouraging everyone to watch it.

However, things started getting a little odd when someone named David Acaster thanked Osman for his support.

Much to Twitter’s delight, David turned out to be none other than James Acaster’s father.

However, it was David’s comments about his son that really got Twitter’s attention — specifically, that he’s “not for everyone” but that he “is original.”

Wow. It’s rare that you get to see the subtle and elusive Dad Burn out in the wild, but when you do, it’s a delightful experience.

James definitely picked up on his dad’s backhanded compliment, wearing it with pride and a hint of chagrin.

Fellow comedians found the whole thing to be hilarious, and wasted no time in giving James grief.

And hey — who says that you have to be “for everyone,” anyway?

David stood by his “compliment,” proud of his son’s “distinctiveness.”

Nobody knows how to zing you quite like your parents. (Especially when they’re well-intentioned.)