
20+ Creepy Stories To Keep You Looking Over Your Shoulder

10. App detected

A few months ago I downloaded a program for my phone – Sleep as Android. I bought the premium version of the app for the extra features to record sound throughout the night when volumes reached a certain threshold. It would activate when I would snore or move around. I would usually spend the next evening going over some of the recorded sounds. Everything was pretty normal until I listened to something out of the ordinary.

It was near the beginning of April, and I had the apartment to myself. I’ll let you listen to the sound before I go on explaining it.

It started out picking up my snoring, and then the hairs on my neck stood up as I hear my doorknob moving. Following this, you can hear my door open slowly.

I was confused and a little worried. Everything was still locked up, nobody came home (the chainlock was still latched on the front door), and my landlord certainly didn’t come.

I don’t use the app anymore.

9. Mans best friend

This happened to me when I was about 8 and still scares me to this day. One evening I went to let my dogs in from the back garden at around 9pm. It was pitch black so I quickly opened the door and my dogs came bounding in, as soon as they came in I locked the door and at this moment a person on the other side pulled the handle down trying to get into my house. We had a glass door so even in the dark I could see the outline of a man standing there.

I ran to my dad and he ran into the back garden after this man and saw him running down the road. Since then I have closed and locked doors at the speed of light.

8. Earache

When I was 7, I woke up in the middle of the night with an earache. I decided to tell my mom and stepdad and walked out of my room. Someone was sitting on the chair in the living room (about 3 feet away from my bedroom door). The person looked strange (the face was just kind of distorted) but it was dark and I couldn’t see well. “Mom?” I asked. The person shook their head, and I started getting scared. “Mike?”. The person shook their head again. I decided the best course of option was to go back to bed so I wouldn’t have to walk past this…person. I climbed in bed, and closed my eyes for a second, before opening them and seeing the person standing in my doorway, smiling madly and nodding furiously.

7. Puddles of blood

Watching an A7 Corsair grab the #3 cable that had not been fully retracted. After the wire broke and whipped around 2 sailors were dead and 2 were amputees. Getting to the scene seconds after was the most horrific site I have witnessed. Using a mop and pail to swab up the puddles of blood. Heart wrenching.

6. In game action

Woke up one night to some noise downstairs. Xbox was on and the kinect was moving up and down every so often like it does when you set it up. Turned it off and went back to bed.

Next morning, i booted up the xbox and tv and started kinect adventures. Several pics were taken last night of “in-game action”, but no one was in the pictures.

5. Cabin fever

Driving to pick up a friend who was at this cabin party about 40 miles west of where I lived. It was close to 2 a.m. So i’m driving down this back road to find this random cabin somewhere and I come across this red 4 door sedan with all the doors open and 4 limp figures in the seats with their heads slumped over. That alone kinda freaked me the fuck out. Later on I’m driving by again after a failed attempt at picking up my friend, mind you it’s getting close to 3 in the morning, and only the front seat passenger door was open and ever person in that car was staring with a blank dead stare directly at me as I drove past at 10 mph. Very creepy to me.

4. Dance of the dead

I was 5 when the civil war in Afghanistan started, and I saw some pretty gruesome stuff. One time, a man was beheaded in the market and hot oil was poured down his body. The oil would somehow stimulate the nerves and the body would start writhing, simulating a dance. This was called “dance of the dead” and it was used to scare political opponents. Another time, I saw a man being run over by a tank repeatedly until his body was absolutely shredded. The last gruesome occurrence I saw during the war happened on my street. I was looking at the window when a man on the street was shot by an anti-aircraft gun perched on top of a mountain. Needless to say his body was buried in pieces. Apparently, the fighters on top of the hills overlooking Kabul would make bets with each other over hitting random civilian targets with different weapons.

3. Stalker

I had a stalker for a number of years. One day out of the blue he sent me an email saying “Ever been raped?”

I had, but nobody ever knew about it. I lived alone at the time, and I was terrified of him for years before law enforcement finally took me seriously.

2. Help

In my last apartment, every morning, 3 a.m. I would hear this woman screaming “help” in this loud, clear, blood-curdling shriek.

I tried asking my landlord about it and he got real quiet and wide-eyed and never said a damned thing about it.

None of the other tenants would talk to me.

1. Grandpa

Hearing my grandfather call my name when I was alone in my apartment and he had been dead for seven years. Mind you, he died in (and had never been outside of) the States and I was in my apartment in north France. Still gives me the chills.

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