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People Reveal The Letters They Never Sent To Someone, But Wish That They Did

Over a year later

…and I still dream about you. I pray, every night, that you come back to me. I don’t understand why you left. I don’t understand why you told me you loved me, then broke my heart on Facebook messenger.

You couldn’t even look at me when you ruined me.

I will wait.


One Wish

I’m going to be 26 tomorrow, and for me, it’s kind of daunting. I’ve never felt so weird about turning a year older, and I don’t know why.

Anyway, there’s one thing I really, really want for my birthday. I know you’re not supposed to tell your wish after you blow out your candles, but I never have it come true anyway. All I truly want is to be able to spend more time with you. That’s it. I just want a little bit more of your time and to get to know you better.

Is it too much to ask?


Lonely with you

We are “together” and I feel more lonely than ever before. You’re supposed to be there when I need you and want to spend time with me. I don’t understand what you want. Why are we together? Why can’t I just leave you? Why am I constantly thinking of my ex? When I think of you my stomach hurts and I feel physical pain. I’m drowning in loneliness and you are nowhere to be seen.
