
27 Dudes Who Are Making All Other Boyfriends Look Bad

21. This guy’s handcrafted driftwood lamp!

22. THIS GUY. “Tomorrow is my girlfriend and I’s 1 year anniversary. I recently lost my job so I can’t afford a nice gift, so I made her a jar of homemade peppermint bath bombs and a card. I hope she likes it.”

23. The boyfriend who baked the perfect cake:

24. The boyfriend who crafted a new podium for his girlfriend’s classroom:

25. “She was sad after losing our firs tmonth messages. With more than 300 screenshots printed on 10 meters of rolled paper I gave her back our first memories together.”

26. The dude whose “girlfriend is leaving home for school as is in a bit of emotional turmoil over it. I wrote her 365 personalized love letters sealed in individual envelopes to read each day while she’s away”:

27. The guy who planned to propose to his Cinderella-obsessed girlfriend with this ring…in Disney World!

h/t BoredPanda